This would obviously allow you to look at your profile and change your profile image, your account, everything related to your account. You can add Facebook as well, there’s address book matching. There are other general options that you have, like the option for notifications which you can customize as per your liking.
There are some plugins here on the app, like look around, trip bottle, the shake option, the Facebook moments, video calls are all plugins which you can install or uninstall, as per your like. So these are the options and this seems pretty impressive because it tells you that there are a lot of plugins which can be added to the Wechat app and actually promises to be a lot more fun and friendly in the future.
Because of the possibility of all these apps, which are plugins, which can be added to this app, so we say that the app not only allows you to actually text or exchange multimedia messages with your friends but also help you find new friends, so that was the Wechat app review.
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